Renewable Seafloor-based power and internet access in remote locations

Our Mission

At Roper Resources Ltd, we believe in the transformative potential of the sea. Leveraging innovative technologies, we provide renewable seafloor-based power and internet access to remote locations across the globe. Our mission is simple but powerful: “Clean, robust renewable power and conductivity on the seafloor 24/7.” We’re committed to sustainability and innovation, ensuring not only the delivery of reliable services but also contributing to a greener future. Join us as we reshape the horizon of remote connectivity.

The Problem

For far too long, remote and underwater locations have struggled with inconsistent power and limited internet access. Traditional energy and communication solutions are often not feasible due to geographical challenges and logistical constraints hindering potential for growth and limit advancements in these areas.

Moreover, reliance on non-renewable energy sources exacerbates environmental problems, affecting both climate patterns and delicate marine ecosystems. The lack of sustainable, reliable solutions has kept these locations disconnected, and their vast potential untapped.

Our Solutions

Roper Resources Ltd is here to change that narrative. We offer a suite of services including Wave Energy solutions, Marine Protected Area Monitoring, Subsea Docking solutions, and AUV & SUV Charging Stations. Each service is tailored to harness the untapped potential of the sea, delivering not just power and internet connectivity, but paving the way for unprecedented advancements in remote and underwater operations.

Innovative Solutions, Simplified:

Our Process


We start with a comprehensive understanding of your unique needs and assess your location’s renewable energy potential. This ensures we create a solution that is both efficient and respectful of the marine environment.


Our team designs a tailored solution and sets up the necessary seafloor infrastructure using advanced technologies. Every implementation is aimed at robustness, sustainability, and optimal performance.


After setup, we provide continuous support and regular maintenance checks to ensure maximum uptime and performance. Our responsive team is always ready to help, committed to the long-term success of your project.

Ready to tap into the ocean’s potential?
Contact us today for a consultation and let’s bring the power of the sea to your doorstep.


“Chris became involved in the introduction and sales of the Saab Sabertooth program in it infancy and has a very clear understanding of the Sabertooth hybrid AUV/ROV system and it’s capabilities. “
Peter Erkers

Sales Director, Saab Underwater Systems

I have worked with Chris Roper at Roper Resources for over 3 decades.  Chris knows the industry, and the urgency of getting offshore projects done, where ship costs wait for no one.  This is reflected in the fact he picks up his phone on a Saturday and has spares or replacement gear moving the following week.”
Dirk Rosen

President and Founder , MARE

“The sea is a vast, uncharted realm waiting to be explored. It holds the mysteries of the deep and the wonders of the unknown.”